Behaviour is Communication
No Significant learning occurs without a significant relationship.
- James Comer
At John Gulson Primary School we apply a relational approach to our behaviour policy. We understand that all behaviour is communication and use this as our starting point along with positive and fruitful relationships as the key.
We have high expectations of behaviour and want to ensure everyone feels safe and comfortable in school. Our rules are clear, purposeful and designed to support children in feeling safe, connected and ready to learn. We view our responsibility to our children in developing positive behaviour as a skill for now but also in the future. We aim to support our children in being supportive and caring members of our school community and future compassionate citizens of the world.
Our Rules
What our children say...
Adults will help if someone is getting hurt, bullied or has a problem. |
100 % of pupils surveyed said yes to this |
I know who I can talk to at school if I am worried about something. |
100 % of pupils surveyed said yes to this |
I had a meeting with a friend when I had a problem – Miss Simpson showed us how to talk it through – it’s much better now.
If someone needs help with their behaviour they get it – not everyone learns in the same way.
I know what to do if there was any bullying in school and I know it would be sorted out by Miss Sumner and Mrs Webberely-Holmes straight away. We learn about how to stand up to bullying.
If someone says something bad about another person’s religion or something like that it’s a red letter. This is not accepted at school.
The rules are easy to follow and we know them really well.
Our teachers want the best for us and encourage us to be kind always.
What others say
Leaders want pupils to grow as well-rounded and responsible individuals. Pupils’
personal development is a key strength of the school’s curriculum. Pupils learn about
different faiths and beliefs, the law, democracy and healthy living. They take part in
a wide range of extra-curricular activities at lunchtime and after school. They attend
well-being workshops, where they learn how to understand and control their
feelings.- Ofsted March 2022
They feel safe at school because staff look after them well.
- Ofsted March 2022
Pupils say that bullying is not a problem at the school. They know that staff would deal with it
if it happened.- Ofsted March 2022
Zones of Regulation
As part of our approach to behaviour management at John Gulson we aim to teach the children skills which will benefit them now and in the future.
Using the zones of regulation framework we teach children about all of the many emotions and feelings they might have / feel / experience. It is made explicit that this is OK and normal – we all feel lots of different things but it is vital we can recognise these feelings and also learn strategies to support ourselves when we have more difficult feelings.
Children are guided by staff to recognise how they feel and also learn skills and strateges to support them through these feelings.
Children learn to listen to what their body is telling them (e.g. increased heart rate, restless, calm, excited) and to know what ‘tools’ work for them e.g. quiet time, exercise, drinking water, talking to a friend, laughing, problem solving etc.
The teaching of zones and our daily emotional check in’s is designed to help children navigate the complexities of emotions now and in the future to support task demands and equally importantly overall well-being.
Zones Parent Pack:
Behaviour, Attitudes and Relationships Policy 2024 and Behaviour Statement:
behaviour attitudes and relationships policy 2023 24 updated may copy.pdf
behaviour principles statement 2023 24 .pdf
Anti-Bullying Policy 2023:
child friendly anti bullying policy jg 2023.pdf
Mental Health and Well-being Policy 2023:
mental health and well being pupils 2023.pdf