Regular school attendance is essential if children are to achieve their full potential.
We recognise that attendance is a matter for the whole school community. We believe that by working with parents/ carers and others to overcome barriers to attendance, children will access their full entitlement to education enabling them to achieve their full potential in life.
Breakfast Club: 7:45am - 8:35am
School gates open: 8:35am
Registration: 8:45am
Nursery closes: 11:45am
Reception to Year 6 finish: 3:15pm
Children need to arrive at school between 8.35 and 8.45 am. The register is taken at 8.50 am once the children have settled into class. Pupils arriving after this time will be marked as present but arriving late. The register will close at 9.00am; pupils arriving after the close of the register will be recorded as late. This will not be authorised and will count as an absence for the school session.
Children will be in school for at least 6.5 hours per day; 32.5 hours per week.
If a child is absent without notification
Where no notification has been received by 9.10am a telephone call will automatically be made to the parents/carers by the school’s office staff, followed by telephone calls to any other contacts provided when necessary.
Home visits will be made if the school is unable to ascertain where a child is or if there are other attendance concerns.
If a child is absent due to illness, parents must contact the school on the first day, giving a valid reason. Parents must contact the school every subsequent day until their child returns to school. Parents will be required to provide medical evidence for illness when requested. In cases of extended or repeated illness the school may request support from the School Nurse.
Medcal Appointments
Parents are advised, where possible, to make medical and dental appointments outside of the school day. Where this is not possible, pupils should attend school for part of the day. The school should be informed of medical appointments in advance. Evidence of the appointment will be required.
Holidays in Termtime / leave of absence
There is no automatic right to any leave of absence and schools in Coventry adopt a policy of not authorising leave.
Authorised absence
An absence is classified as authorised when a child has been away from school for a legitimate reason and the school has received notification from a parent or guardian e.g. an absence due to a child being unwell.
Unauthorised absence
An absence is classified as unauthorised when a child is away from school without the permission of the school.
Any leave taken without authorisation can lead to parents being issued with a penalty notice.
Requests for leave of absence
Parents who wish to request leave of absence must complete the leave of absence request form. When there are exceptional circumstances, a leave of absence will be authorised.
Leave of absence request form:
pupil application for exceptional leave of absence v2.pdf
Support with Attendance
If you have a concern around attendance or require help with this please do speak to us. There are many ways we can help through breakfast club, pastoral care, support from Early help and support from our Local authority officer.
Our attendance team are always on hand to meet and help unpick reasons for non attendance – you’d be surprised at just how much we might be able to help.
Please make an appointment with Mrs Webberley Holmes (Head of Safeguarding, SEND, Behaviour and Pastoral Care, Mr Mbushimarna (Officer) or Mr Shebl (Family support worker.)
For parents where English is not your first language we can offer translators to support in these meetings.
You can find us on the gates or pop to the office and request a meeting or even call.
Attendance Staff (ID 1318)
Mrs S Webberley Holmes
Mrs S Webberley Holmes
Mr JP Mbarushimana
Mr JP Mbarushimana
Mr M Shebl
Mr M Shebl